If You Like Cosplay Definitely Know About the History and Understanding of Maid Cafe


It’s not Japanese if it’s not unique and interesting. One of them is the maid cafe. Unlike the usual cafes, maid cafes are widely spread in Japan, especially in the Akihabara area, the servants are not only serving food or drinks but also as a communication partner or just a playmate.

Another most striking point of maid cafes is the maids who use maid costumes (housemaid) where this costume looks unique with lace and layers. This is the part that otaku often likes because it fulfills their fantasies and desires to interact with maid-wearing girl characters that appear in many manga or anime series.

The beautiful female servants at the maid cafe will take visitors to the table and provide a menu list. After the order arrives, the maids will usually draw something on a plate and ask the customer to say what he wants to bring, such as a picture of a rabbit, a cat, and so on.

During their stay, these maids serve visitors with sweet, funny, cheerful, and even serve visitors like a master at home. He can be invited to sing, dance, tell stories, and take pictures together. Sometimes in some maid cafes, customers can also ask maids to feed food, play cards, and play video games together.

But you also need to know, every time you ask your maid to do something, you will also be charged an additional fee that you have set yourself. So, the longer and more you ask for maids to sing, draw, play games, and other requests, the more money you will spend.

Even though these maids can be asked to do something, don’t ever ask a maid to do things that are inappropriate or ‘touch them’ because politeness is also preferred at maid cafes. Also, although maids can be invited to take pictures, you are not allowed to take their photos secretly or without their permission.

This is because most maid cafes have Cheki names, namely polaroid photos of either the maid itself or group photos and as mentioned earlier, taking pictures and taking pictures together with maids will also add to your bill list.

Hm, unique, and interesting, right? Because of this uniqueness, at this time maid cafes don’t only exist in Japan you know. Maid cafes have also begun to develop in America, Taiwan, Canada, Korea, and Singapore,

Are you interested in trying the maid cafe sensation and interacting with these cute and funny maids?

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