Maid Cafe in Tokyo With The Most Otaku Visitors

anime maid cafe

Maid Cafe in Tokyo, Japan, is a unique culinary destination where sexy waiters will serve visitors. In the maid cafe, otaku men’s wild fantasies are realized.

Visiting the maid cafe is a unique experience. We may be surprised to see the behavior of the sexiest servants with Otaku who may be somewhat ‘sick’ socially. But my advice, follow the ‘game.’ All may be part of acting in order to realize the wild fantasies of otaku men in Japan.

The connoisseurs of Japanese comics, aka manga, are certainly not surprised by the comic characters in the form of costumed Victorian-style maids in England. The difference is in Japanese comics. They often wear mini skirts, so-called sexy maids. This sexy servant girl appeared as a character in dozens, if not hundreds, of manga comics until now.

The fantasy of Japanese men seems to become a reality with the emergence of maid cafes in the Akihabara area, Tokyo. This is the center of comics, games, and gadgets in Japan. At the same time, this is a favorite place for Otaku, male ‘nerds,’ aka nerdy in Japan.

We’ve also some time ago came to the most famous maid cafe in Akibahara Cafe in the AKIBA Store Building. The location clue is a long billboard with pictures of beautiful Japanese girls. Cafe is located on floors 4,6 and 7, which operate separately. We chose the top one because it was quieter.

Maid cafe’s original concept is culinary tourism plus entertainment. The standard package is eating and / or drinking and taking pictures together. An additional package is to play various games with the servants, including the new rising game like online pachinko to play and win the game. Although it is a traditional game, but young people tend to like it also.

Maid Cafe

After being invited in, we looked around the room. Apparently, the concept is like a mini theater. All tables face a small stage. Yes, we chose the table closest to the stage.

“Welcome, sir … My name is Meru. I’m your servant,” said a servant girl in a spoiled voice.

Do not be surprised when you enter the maid cafe. You will be considered a master or employer. They are your servants, one maid serving one guest, or a group of guests when coming together. All right, we follow the ‘game’ to realize these men’s fantasies.

As some bloggers have written, while at Maid Cafe spoiled with their servants. That is part of the fantasy of otaku men. So when Meru came to distribute the menu list, I called him spoiled, “Meru chaan …..”

I chose the Mocha Latte with a cartoon from chocolate on the latte. I asked Meru to draw a cat for me. Deftly Meru drew a cute cat. Before I drink, Meru recites a ‘mantra,’ which he thinks will make my drink taste better.

“Moe, moe, kuun!” he said while forming a ‘love’ sign with his finger, asking me to imitate his spell.

Exaggerated? I do not know. Again we follow the game. While enjoying the latte, I watched the cafe. Geez, the visitors are indeed Otaku. In the comics, they are shy, reserved, and bespectacled. It turns out that visitors to this cafe are all the same typical. It’s very contrary to the pachinko cafe where it’s full with older people who spend their money to betting and alcohol.

Maybe just me and my friends are haha. The Otaku only glared at the gadgets they were holding, not even greeting the person next door. But when the maids greet them spoiled, yes. Their faces flushed red shyly. Maybe in this maid cafe, the Otaku feel that they are the center of women’s attention.

Unfortunately, the maid cafe has strict rules, may not photograph the interior and the servants. The only photo opportunity is a photo session with our chosen maid. I deliberately teased Meru and said that he was very special, and I just wanted to take a picture with him.

Snap! We also took pictures with the beautiful maid of our choice. A typical pose is ‘Neko’, a cat-style pose. This pose is considered the cutest, amusing, and affectionate.

One more thing that I noticed is a restaurant manager who is also a woman. If the maid cafe servants are sassy, ​​spoiled, cheerful, and sexy, the manager is rather different. She is serious, bespectacled, calm, but no less beautiful.

Wait for a minute, beautiful girl, calm, bespectacled, but secretly wild, isn’t this one of the manga girl characters too? At this point, my head started to get dizzy. The line between fantasy and reality offered by the maid cafe is blurred. Is the manager part of the ‘game’ or not?

When going home, I ventured to greet his manager. His name turns out to be Shirata. To Shirata, I introduced myself as a traveler from Indonesia and asked to take pictures with her. Apparently, Shirata wants. Snap!

Returning from the maid cafe, all visitors were given a kind of identification card as a master. Behind the card is a ranking visit. Apparently, a visit to the maid cafe is like a computer game. More often you visit here, you can level up as a master. Hmmm, maybe if the level is high, we can tempt Shirata, the manager.

Visiting the maid cafe is a unique experience. We may be surprised to see the behavior of the sexiest servants with Otaku who may be somewhat ‘sick’ socially. But my advice follows the ‘game.’ All may be part of acting in order to realize the wild fantasies of otaku men in Japan.

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5 of The Best Maid Cafe in Akihabara You Should Know


Ohayou Gozaimasu Minna San, after you are tired of shopping at various kinds of shopping in Akihabara. While stretching your muscles, you need to try to take a break at Maid Cafe. Maid Cafe itself is an iconic cafe in Akihabara. Also, don’t forget to visit several cafe places in Akihabara, one of them where you can enjoy sitting and playing the most exciting poker games in . The site will provide you with the best win bonuses if you played in there, with only minimal risk of losing your money.

Although there are already many Maid Cafes throughout Japan, the origin of the maid Cafe comes from Akihabara. And many go to Maid Cafe to take a break. Here are 5 recommendations of the best Maid Cafe in Akihabara that you should visit.

Is one of the most popular maid cafes in Akihabara. Most of the servants here dress very cutely and pretty. One dish that is quite popular is the omelet rice, plus the cute writing from the waiter. You can also interact directly with the waiter. And at there is an English-language menu. Besides food and drinks, you can interact with additional fees as follows:

  1. A simple game with 500 Yen maids
  2. Instant photo maid 500 Yen
  3. Take a purikura (small photo sticker) with a maid of 1000 Yen.


Pinafore is a servant cafe that has been established in Akihabara. After being used as the location for the Densha Otoko drama, Maid Cafe is even more famous. An English menu is also available at this Maid Cafe. This Maid Cafe will keep you entertained after you are tired of shopping and sightseeing in Akihabara.


This Maid Cafe mostly emphasizes colorful and funky feelings. You can see servants such as butlers (maids) and maids (waiters). Maidfreamin is also known for its entertaining and lively atmosphere. Even very popular among families and couples. The theme of the food served in unique and funny, with an adorable pattern. Maidreamin also has an English menu and free wifi. So you don’t need to hesitate to try it.

Cure Maid Café

Maid Cafe is the first time standing in Akihabara since 2001. Indeed, this mid cafe is less cute and “moe” than other maid cafes. But this maid cafe has a more sophisticated atmosphere with a Victorian theme concept. And one of the branding from Cure Maid Cafe is a tea dish that has received a certificate from the Japanese Tea Association.


MIA is the abbreviation of “Maid In Angels.” Maid Cafe does not have an English-language site. But they provide clear menus and prices (available in Chinese and English). And the great thing is Mia-Cafe also has staff or waiters who can speak English. Of course, almost the same as other Cafe Maid they provide photo services together too.

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Maid Cafe Winery Will Serve You With Beautiful and Sexy Servants And Wine Serves


This famous Maid Cafe in Japan has something new. The beautiful servants will serve a delicious wine dish, especially for you. Curious?

After Maid Cafe was famous throughout the world and has grown to make all kinds of fantasy come true. This sexy and beautiful waitress will serve food up to your drink very well.

Tokyo’s Akihabara district is the center of the Maid Cafe location. Success with the first Maid Cafe, they also developed a new business by adding a list of drinks in the cafe, which was ranked third most visited in Hagemaru.

The popularity of Akiba Zettai Ryoiki has skyrocketed with both locals and tourists since it opened in February last year. Some time ago Kawaii Maid Cafe had just announced it would open a second branch in Akihabara on the 20th of July.

The first branch has the theme “Nerd X Cute” or “Otaku x Kawaii” which is managed by a cute waiter with a cat ear headdress and socks over the knee. For this second branch, they took a slightly different approach but maintained the focus on “Zettai Ryoichi.”

Zettai Ryoiki in Japanese is translated as Absolute Territory and is used to describe the open thigh area between a high stocking and a skirt.

Called Akiba Zettai Ryoiki A.D.1912, this new branch will take visitors to a different atmosphere. With a classic feel of English style, more complete with uniforms and the attitude of the cute servants.

Akiba Zettai Ryoiki A.D.1912 strives to provide customers with specially designed clothing that features less stylish uniforms, while waiters in many classic-themed cafes tend to wear long uniforms. This new branch will also incorporate the theme of adorable cat ear-shaped headdresses.

In addition to drinking, visitors can also enjoy food in the form of juicy hamburg steak served with a cat-shaped plate. Also, the waiter will be ready to decorate omurice or omelet rice in front of you, of course, in the form of a cat.

For dessert, you can also be spoiled with a mini cake with a touch of cute anime by Japanese artist Tsurushima Tatsumi with a whipped cream topping.

Quoted in Sora News 24 (07/19), your dinner can also be accompanied by more than 18 varieties of sommelier wine choices. This is the first step to call this new Maid Cafe “Akihabara’s First Maid Winery.”

Even though the word “Winery” hasn’t been fully found in this new cafe, but they are serious about giving visitors the experience of drinking wine from all over the world while enjoying dinner. So if you are looking for a place to enjoy quality wine with food and a beautiful waiter, Akiba Zettai Ryoiki A.D.1912 is waiting for you.

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Get to Know a Cafe Full of Beautiful Maids


Never been to a maid cafe before? Do not know what to expect or how to behave? Here is a guide to maid cafes that will make you experts in no time!

What is a maid café?

Maid cafe is a thematic cafe or restaurant where the maids (women) costumed like maids, and they usually greet their guests as “tomu” (master) or “yumi” (lady) and create a fantasy “home” atmosphere.

For the record, don’t get confused between maid cafe and cosplay cafe.

Maid cafe ethics

1. Be patient in line when a queue occurs

2. Wait until the Waitress brings you to your table.

3. Don’t take maid or maid cafe photos without permission.

4. Don’t touch the maid.

Omelette Rice / Omu Rice

A maid cafe usually provides Omelette Rice (Omu Rice) with decorating sauces served by a maid. Customers can ask maids to draw their favorite words or motifs on omelet rice.

An impressive moment when the maids were diligently drawing on omelet rice near customers was a very moe moment! It’s also not difficult to find cute decorations in your coffee or dessert plate, even though that is not the official standard.

Souvenir at Maid Cafe

Gachapons, bromides, badges, and mobile phone straps are typical souvenirs that you can find at maid cafes. Large maid cafes like Pinafore have omelet rice in their brand cans, while has canned bread.

Maid cafes usually have their attractive coasters that can be taken home for free as souvenirs.


Popularized by Royal Milk, you can find bells at several maid cafes that are used to call maids to come. Don’t try to attract maid’s attention by saying “Sumimasen,” they only respond to the bell.


It is derived from a combination of “Maids” and “Idols.” Some maid cafes recruit idols to work at their maid cafes. You can ask the maid to sing on the stage at the standard price of 500 yen, and of course, everyone will enjoy it, and they will thank you for that.

You can also buy their maid pictures or CDs at the maid cafe. has a shop that specializes in selling their Maidol trinkets on the 5th floor Don Quijote, not far from their cafe.

Maid cafe is popular

Here are some popular maid cafes in Akihabara (arranged in alphabetical order):

  • Cos-cha cafe and kitchen
  • Cure Maid Cafe
  • Maidreamin
  • Mailish
  • Nagomi
  • Pinafore
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Mens Don’t Want to Go Home if You are at This Maid Cafe in Japan


If the people of Indonesia like to visit cafes to chat, eat, even ride on wifi. Different things are done by Japanese citizens and tourists in the land of the rising sun when visiting a cafe, which is only to see the service of the servants only. That kind of thing doesn’t happen in all cafes in Japan, but only those that offer the concept of ‘Maid Cafe.’

Maybe many of you are wondering what exactly is a maid cafe to make visitors feel at home just looking at the waiter? This type of cafe has the concept of the girls who become their servants dressed very sweetly in the style of anime characters there. Of course, this is very interesting for visitors to come.

Maid cafes have been loved by foreign countries

When visiting Japan, you can find many choices of Maid Cafe in the Akihabara area. This region is arguably indeed a paradise of Japanese entertainment enthusiasts such as manga, games, to electronic goods. Because Maid Cafe does indeed take the concept of cosplay, so the workers there dress like maids in the anime and treat their guests like ladies and gentlemen.

Investigate a calibration, and this Maid Cafe first appeared in 2001 with spearheaded by a cafe called “Cure Maid Cafe.” Because the place could successfully stir up the public, other cafes began to appear by carrying a similar concept in the Akihabara area there. Even with this phenomenal concept, now we can also find the same cafes in other countries such as America, France, the Czech Republic, Hungary, South Korea, Mexico, and others.

The manager does not arbitrarily choose workers

Because all the maid characters in the anime are sweet women, therefore the cafe manager takes into account the prospective employees before they join. Cafes will be chosen based on their daily appearance. And who is allowed to join is usually an attractive woman, still young, cute and funny, and also has an innocent or innocent face.

The costumes used when on duty are also different in each of the cafes. But the majority did wear French maid-style costumes. Dress suits combined with skirts, aprons, and certain hair accessories will succeed in making their innocent look even more adorable. Sometimes maids also wear cute accessories such as headbands for cats or rabbits so they can attract more attention.

The food offered makes it difficult for me to “prank”

When talking about the food menu, what is offered here is not much different from other cafes. You can order various kinds of coffee, desserts, or various snacks. But one thing that makes it different is the touch of the waiters who make these foods look cuter with their style decorations.
For example, the girls use syrup to decorate various desserts by portraying funny characters such as cats and even Sailormoon. They can also use the sauce to make our omelet rice even more tempting. Of course, this kind of service not only shows the innocent impression of the maids but also the image of attention to the guests. Happy, of course, concerned?

There are additional services that make guys more go home

Since first entering the cafe, guests will be greeted with a welcome greeting by the servants with their adorable speaking style. When giving the menu, they will also offer a small towel who knows what guests need. Even, they usually kneel while stirring sugar and cream in customers’ coffee. These servants will also invite the guests to interact either to imitate their words or the funny movements they do.

Although the impression is very close here, there are still rules that must be obeyed by visitors. For example, it should not touch the maid’s body, ask for personal contact, or even prohibit taking pictures of them. If you want to take a picture, there are additional costs that you have to spend and later will also be given the freedom to choose a waiter to take pictures. Very exciting right?

No wonder the cafe with the concept of “Maid Cafe” is never empty of visitors, because indeed the services provided can make guests feel at home and always want to come back. Already served by cute and innocent girls, with a variety of tempting foods, not to mention the closeness of the interaction that was built there, would make you not want to go home. No wonder that most visitors there are men who do not hesitate to come alone. I’m single this time!

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If You Like Cosplay Definitely Know About the History and Understanding of Maid Cafe


It’s not Japanese if it’s not unique and interesting. One of them is the maid cafe. Unlike the usual cafes, maid cafes are widely spread in Japan, especially in the Akihabara area, the servants are not only serving food or drinks but also as a communication partner or just a playmate.

Another most striking point of maid cafes is the maids who use maid costumes (housemaid) where this costume looks unique with lace and layers. This is the part that otaku often likes because it fulfills their fantasies and desires to interact with maid-wearing girl characters that appear in many manga or anime series.

The beautiful female servants at the maid cafe will take visitors to the table and provide a menu list. After the order arrives, the maids will usually draw something on a plate and ask the customer to say what he wants to bring, such as a picture of a rabbit, a cat, and so on.

During their stay, these maids serve visitors with sweet, funny, cheerful, and even serve visitors like a master at home. He can be invited to sing, dance, tell stories, and take pictures together. Sometimes in some maid cafes, customers can also ask maids to feed food, play cards, and play video games together.

But you also need to know, every time you ask your maid to do something, you will also be charged an additional fee that you have set yourself. So, the longer and more you ask for maids to sing, draw, play games, and other requests, the more money you will spend.

Even though these maids can be asked to do something, don’t ever ask a maid to do things that are inappropriate or ‘touch them’ because politeness is also preferred at maid cafes. Also, although maids can be invited to take pictures, you are not allowed to take their photos secretly or without their permission.

This is because most maid cafes have Cheki names, namely polaroid photos of either the maid itself or group photos and as mentioned earlier, taking pictures and taking pictures together with maids will also add to your bill list.

Hm, unique, and interesting, right? Because of this uniqueness, at this time maid cafes don’t only exist in Japan you know. Maid cafes have also begun to develop in America, Taiwan, Canada, Korea, and Singapore,

Are you interested in trying the maid cafe sensation and interacting with these cute and funny maids?

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