Get to Know a Cafe Full of Beautiful Maids


Never been to a maid cafe before? Do not know what to expect or how to behave? Here is a guide to maid cafes that will make you experts in no time!

What is a maid café?

Maid cafe is a thematic cafe or restaurant where the maids (women) costumed like maids, and they usually greet their guests as “tomu” (master) or “yumi” (lady) and create a fantasy “home” atmosphere.

For the record, don’t get confused between maid cafe and cosplay cafe.

Maid cafe ethics

1. Be patient in line when a queue occurs

2. Wait until the Waitress brings you to your table.

3. Don’t take maid or maid cafe photos without permission.

4. Don’t touch the maid.

Omelette Rice / Omu Rice

A maid cafe usually provides Omelette Rice (Omu Rice) with decorating sauces served by a maid. Customers can ask maids to draw their favorite words or motifs on omelet rice.

An impressive moment when the maids were diligently drawing on omelet rice near customers was a very moe moment! It’s also not difficult to find cute decorations in your coffee or dessert plate, even though that is not the official standard.

Souvenir at Maid Cafe

Gachapons, bromides, badges, and mobile phone straps are typical souvenirs that you can find at maid cafes. Large maid cafes like Pinafore have omelet rice in their brand cans, while has canned bread.

Maid cafes usually have their attractive coasters that can be taken home for free as souvenirs.


Popularized by Royal Milk, you can find bells at several maid cafes that are used to call maids to come. Don’t try to attract maid’s attention by saying “Sumimasen,” they only respond to the bell.


It is derived from a combination of “Maids” and “Idols.” Some maid cafes recruit idols to work at their maid cafes. You can ask the maid to sing on the stage at the standard price of 500 yen, and of course, everyone will enjoy it, and they will thank you for that.

You can also buy their maid pictures or CDs at the maid cafe. has a shop that specializes in selling their Maidol trinkets on the 5th floor Don Quijote, not far from their cafe.

Maid cafe is popular

Here are some popular maid cafes in Akihabara (arranged in alphabetical order):

  • Cos-cha cafe and kitchen
  • Cure Maid Cafe
  • Maidreamin
  • Mailish
  • Nagomi
  • Pinafore
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